Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Flying Birds

Dreams are truthful manifestations. When I occasionally have dreams of dying in battle or committing seppuku, if I brace myself with courage, my frame of mind within the dream gradually changes.

This concerns the dream I had on the night of the twenty-seventh day of the fifth month.

Glancing at the sky, it becomes apparent that for all our aspirations - dreams - technology, expenditure and effort, certain things are simply unattainable.

The affairs of men are best concerned by men. Likewise, the affairs of birds are best concerned with birds.

Do not confuse the two, lest you lose the Way.

Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: 'Matters of great concern should be treated lightly."

Master Ittei commented; "Matters of small concern should be treated seriously." Among one's affairs there should not be more then two or three matters of what one could call great concern. If these are deliberated upon during ordinary times, they can be understood.

Thinking about things previously and then handling them lightly when the time comes is what this is all about - Familiarity with a problem, whether it be foe, exam, or trial of character will invariably result in victory. To face an event and solve it lightly is difficult, nay, impossible if you are not resolved of mind and body aforehand, and there will always be uncertainty when hitting your mark.

However, if the foundation is laid previously, then the Way will become apparent.

Use this maxim as the basis for your actions.

Swallows on the wing
Lost to the sword of Ganryu
Welcome the sunrise

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