Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guess I got my groove back...

And just like that, I found my energy. I think I know what's been going wrong, and I've already stepped up a notch.

The loss of my CDs is a setback, but a necessary one. Means I have to rebuild from scratch, but I'll be a lot more discerning about what's in my box. A chance to revamp my style, refresh my setlist and kick new brutal jams.

The weird kicked me down, but I cannot me held. The fear slowed me down, but I cannot be stopped.

I am the irresistable force - the future manifest - Deliver me from peace and march on my eardrum.

The tattoo on my spine will read: "This way to sanctuary."

:/remote data transmission received from field transponder [ergo_tel]

1 comment:

Pretty Hips. said...

Very good, sir.
Isn't it magical when shit falls into place?
I'm glad you feel accomplished and determined, this is what the world needs.
Good luck.